Head of Financial-Cyber Strategy, Innovation, International Engagements, Ministry of Finance, Israel
Rahav Shalom-Revivo established and manages the Financial-Cyber Innovation and International Engagements unit at the Israeli Ministry of Finance. She leads the Financial-Cyber International Relationship activities with foreign governments, regulators and financial institutions.
Shalom-Revivo develops and leads International financial-cyber simulations and exercises such as Collective Strength, an international financial-cyber simulation for 13 finance ministries and global financial organizations held in 2021, which focused on the financial impacts that resulted from a dramatic cyber-attack on the international financial eco-system.
Shalom-Revivo is the founder of the Fintech-Cyber Innovation Lab program for the Ministry of Finance, the first initiative in the world that leverages governmental assets and data in order to promote Fintech and Cyber startups in an open innovation platform.
In addition, Shalom-Revivo established and leads the Fintech Ladies IL community, and is also a member of the national committee to promote women in the science and tech industries. She was nominated by lattice80 in the Top 100 Women in the Fintech industry in 2019 to Know and Follow.