Former Chief of the Artillery Corps, The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Israel

Brigadier General Neri Horoviz
Military Service
- 2020-2023: Chief of Artillery Corps.
- 2016-2019: “Golan” Strike Brigade Commander in the Northern Command.
- 2014-2016: “Adirim” Brigade Commander in the Northern Command.
- 2011-2013: Artillery Corps G3.
- 2009-2011: “Reshef” Battalion Commander in the Central Command
- 1996-2009: Active army duty in the Artillery Corps.
- 2019-2020: M.A. in National Security and Resource Strategy, The Eisenhower School, National Defense University. Washington D.C.
- 2005-2006: M.A. in Business Management, Ben Gurion University, Israel.
- 1999-2001: B.A. in History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem