April 9, 2024 | 16:30-18:00 | Hall H
About the Event:
Looking to maintain a sustainable supply chain, improve efficiency, and secure the flow of international cargo trade, many key players are turning their attention to technology. Cybertech Global Tel Aviv 2024 presents an insightful discussion on Maritime Cybersecurity. It will bring together representatives of maritime organizations, port authorities, the INCD, and companies from the region and around the world to address challenges and threats faced by ports and the shipping industry. Explore topics such as robust regulatory policies, international cybersecurity initiatives, cyber supply chain risks, and the impact of the IoT era on maritime security. Discover the latest innovations, cyber threats, global initiatives, and common challenges in 2024.
Among the Speakers:
Moderator: Yigal Unna, Former Director General, Israeli National Cyber Directorate (INCD), Israel
Prof. Sokratis K. Katsikas, Director, Norwegian Centre for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors, Norway
Gadi Benmoshe, Former CIO at Israel Ports Company and Managing Director, Marinnovators, Israel
Roy Avrahami, Chief Innovation Officer & Corporate Investment Arm, Ashdod Port Company, Israel
Lt. Col. (Res.) Tamir Goren, Director, Strategic Programs, Israeli National Cyber Directorate (INCD), Israel
Ami Braun, Chief Product Officer, IAI-Elta, Israel